SOA - SOAP – WCF camp vs. ROA - REST – HTTP - ASP.NET Web API camp: Which one to choose? - Complete Whitepaper
Connected Systems:
One of the biggest challenges / opportunities in the
industry is the integration and reuse of the existing systems. Connectivity (Connect people, organizations,
and existing systems) through connected applications becomes the key factor in
the software development. Solution to
this challenge lies on developing interoperable, loosely coupled, secure
distributed application.
Around a decade back, Web Services and other RPC style assist
the developers to build distributed applications. The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) simplifies
development of connected applications through a new service-oriented managed
programming model. WCF takes Web
services to the next level by providing developers with a highly productive
framework for building secure, reliable and interoperable applications that
send messages between services and clients.
WCF is pretty much mature now with .NET 4.5.
At the same time, there is another camp/ community where
started using REST (Representational State Transfer) which is another different,
alternative architectural style for building resource oriented services. The REST architectural style was
developed by W3C Technical Architecture Group in parallel with HTTP/1.1. The
World Wide Web itself, based on HTTP, can be viewed as a REST-based
architecture. . Unlike SOAP, Restful services simply relies on the
HTTP application protocol verbs (GET – Fetch, PUT – Replace, POST – Insert and DELETE
– Delete etc…). REST was initially described in the context of HTTP, but it is
not restricted to HTTP protocol alone. RESTful architectures may be based on
other Application Layer protocols, but in real time, it is only used with HTTP.
At this moment,
REST approach is gaining upper hand because of its simplicity and reach.
Restful services won’t require any proxies to consume and it be reached by a variety
of device and client platforms. Microsoft have seen the increase in emergence
of Restful services exposed over plain HTTP rather than through a more formal RPC
style (like SOAP or WS*). Microsoft already moved many of its implementations
away from SOAP based technologies to REST. But WCF is not dead yet, it is still
very well alive and in certain scenarios, it fit’s better than REST. Let’s
discuss more around these two approaches and when, where to use.
1 comment:
Hi, nice differences between SOAP and HTTP.Thanks for your help..
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