Sunday, November 23, 2008

Indigo Programming Model

Indigo Programming Model

· Indigo programming involves the use of an object model, declarative attributes, and configuration settings.

- Declarative programming. Usually Declarative attributes are used to define contracts and specify service behaviors.

- Imperative programming, in which you work with the Indigo object model in code.

- Configuration-based programming, in which you specify behavior in application configuration files. Configuration-based development helps to modify behaviors like addresses, bindings, security details, service behavior, tracing etc without recompile the program code.

· It’s not mean that you can do three different way of Indigo Programming. It is to say that WCF provide features to do few things in more than one way.

· For instance, An endpoint defined in a configuration file:

· The same endpoint definition in code:
serviceHost = new ServiceHost();
serviceHost.AddEndpoint(typeof(IMyContract), new WSProfileBinding(),

Hello World WCF Service

· Let’s first see, how to develop a simple WCF service which simply returns “Hello World” when client connects to it.

· Service programs contain four elements: Contract definitions, implementation code, hosting code and Endpoint definitions.

namespace HelloService
class Infrastructure
static void Main(string[] args)

// A Uri, which represents the address of the service.
Uri baseURI = new Uri("http://localhost/helloworld");

ServiceHost HelloWCF = new
ServiceHost(typeof(HelloService), baseURI);

//Binding (BasicHttpBinding) provides how to communicate with the endpoint.

new BasicHttpBinding(), baseURI);
Console.WriteLine("Hello World Service Started.");

class HelloWorld
string Hello()
return ("Hello World!");

- The [ServiceContract] attribute specifies that class will be exposed as a WCF service.

- The attribute [OperationContract] specifies that the Hello() function which returns the string “Hello World!" will be exposed as a method on that service.

- The class Infrastructure contains the basic infrastructure including "ServiceHost" which provides the hosting infrastructure for the service and the endpoint definition.

- BasicHttpBinding uses HTTP as the transport for sending SOAP 1.1 messages.

- A service can use this binding to expose endpoints that conform to WS-I BP 1.1, such as those that ASMX clients consume.

- Both classes and interfaces can be used to define a WCF service contract. It’s better to use Interfaces, because they directly model service contracts.

· Now, let's move the endpoint definition of the “HellowWorld” service from the code to the config file.

· The config file will be read at runtime. Therefore we can modify the binding details with out rebuild and restart of the application.

· Add a configuration file “app.config” and comment the code:

new BasicHttpBinding(), baseURI);

· Add the following configuration details in the app.config:

· If you run the service now, you will see an error message “Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled.”

· By default, the framework does not expose any metadata.

- To expose the metadata required to generate the proxy, you must add a Element and set its httpGetEnabled attribute to True.

Hello World WCF Client

· To test our Service, let’s create a client. A client must create a proxy, which establishes a channel to the service.

· To generate client code from a service, we need to use the Svcutil tool. Svcutil not only generates contract code, but it also provides a proxy class for accessing the service.

· Clients create a new instance of the proxy, and they can then access the service through the proxy.

- svcutil http://localhost/hello?wsdl

- Then SvcUtil will get the WSDL file for the service, download the metadata, and generate the service proxy for you. Along with client code from a running service it also generates a config file.
· Add the proxy class and config file in the project and you can access the Service.

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