Sunday, January 25, 2009

Windws 7

Windows 7 - The Windows 7 Beta is now available for download. It is the next client version of operating system next to Vista.

Few features that I really liked it:
1. Windows Touch, Multitouch Screen Navigation: “This is going to be the way the most of the people give inputs to the system in the near future. It is smart enough to distinguish between various gestures and combinations of fingers.” This feature is real cool and get's top 1st point.

2. Faster, more responsive performance - Performance is always key to any prodcut to be succesful and Win 7 is lot better when compare to Vista!

3. With Windows 7, you'll use a single Devices and Printers screen to connect, manage, and use whatever printers, phones, and other devices you have on-hand.

For more:
See what's new in Windows 7
What's coming? See video demos
Keep up with Windows 7 developments
If you're really serious, try the Beta

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